Side Scan Sonar
Side Scan Sonar

Side Scan Sonar

Side scan sonar is a type of sonar used in hydrographic surveys to create a two-dimensional image of the seabed. It works by transmitting sound waves in a fan shape and then measuring the strength of the returning echo. The data is used to create a map of the seafloor, showing variations in seafloor topography, objects on the seafloor, and other features. As a bathymetric survey solution, side scan sonar is a useful tool for locating underwater structures, mapping the ocean floor, and conducting archaeological surveys.



Side Scan Sonar (SSS) is an important tool in hydrographic surveys. It is used to produce images of the seafloor and to detect objects on the seafloor that may be hazardous to navigation. SSS can be used to map the seafloor in high resolution and provide a three-dimensional view of the seafloor. It is an effective tool to detect objects such as shipwrecks, pipelines, cables, and other obstructions on or near the seafloor. It can also be used to identify any shallow areas or other features that may be hazardous to navigation. SSS is also used to detect changes in the seafloor that can indicate the presence of natural resources such as oil, gas, or minerals. SSS data can provide a more complete and accurate picture of the seafloor than traditional bathymetric survey solutions.


Use Case

Side Scan Sonar is a type of sonar technology used in hydrographic surveys to map the seafloor. It is used to identify objects of interest on the seafloor such as wrecks, geological features, and hazards. Side Scan Sonar transmits sound waves that are reflected back to the survey vessel from the seafloor. These reflected sound waves are captured and analyzed to create a detailed image of the seafloor. The image is used to identify and map the features on the seafloor, including objects of interest. Side Scan Sonar can be used in combination with other survey equipment, such as echo sounders and sub-bottom profilers, to provide a comprehensive picture of the seafloor. Side Scan Sonar is an important tool in bathymetric survey solutions as it provides detailed imagery of the seafloor that can be used to identify, map, and evaluate features of interest.